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Spirit's Journey

Your Spirit Guides are longing to connect with you.

Time to
come home to your Essence and re-member Who You Are, all the parts of you you thought were separate.
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Hey loved one, are you an empath or highly sensitive person who's found the courage to step into your healing journey, yet sometimes still have such BIG questions and concerns - around your authentic purpose, self-love, and self-worth - and your usual therapy methods just don't feel like enough sometimes?

I have had my messy periods with
ALL the above.

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Multiple cases of heartbreak, self-abandonment for outside approval, external life crises, and feeling stuck around my life purpose, have driven me to face my shadows, re-parent my inner child and seek answers from within AND from my Spirit Guides, who are ultimately extensions of us and our Higher Self.

I had to come home again and again to myself to remember my inherent Wholeness.
Because no one and no-thing outside myself could give me that nor the clarity I needed.

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Over the years, I realized these experiences were meant to equip me to help others navigate their shadows for their deep healing too.

I also learned that I could connect easily with others' Spirit Teams and transmit guidance and insight from them. And that conducting Energy Healings on others came extremely second nature to me, as a result of having done it in several past lives.

Why Spirit Guides? Because they do not have the egos that we human beings have, so all their guidance is from and for, Unconditional Love and each of our Highest Good. Thus the poignance and calm profoundness of their answers.

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Before I committed deeper to my healing journey and began working with my Guides:

- I ran the same relational and self-abandonment patterns over and over again due to feeling a void inside or not enough self-love.

- I was constantly uncertain about my life's work and path, and always WORRIED about others' perceptions of me. I feared expressing my authentic self. Suppressing this and my emotions would sometimes lead to physical manifestations of illness and rashes for me.

- I struggled with boundaries and speaking my truths lovingly, including energetic boundaries. I really feared the potential rejection or dislike from others.

Do you relate?

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In Spirit's Journey, we come home to the self, returning to the healer within you. Any step we take towards healing ultimately aligns us with our soul's desires, and it all starts with meeting ourselves compassionately, honestly and deeply.

With a focus on Shadow Work and Inner Child Healing, we dive into your being and then reach out to your Spirit Team for support and messages they have for you. As within, so without.



A personalized 1-on-1 session tailored for you that includes ALL of the following:

🤍 Guided intuitive movement and voice. As the voice and body opens, so does the whole being to receiving new insights, to allow for energetic blocks to be cleared, and for prana (life force) to flow through smoothly. Being in the body rather than the mind naturally raises one's vibrational frequency as it asks you to be fully Present.

🤍 Guided yoga

🤍 A space where we consciously witness and presence You and Your Unique Essence. Shadow Work that involves inquiry into one's present thoughts and feelings, what might lie under those, and if we can integrate all thoughts and emotions - whether 'good' or 'bad' - more fully into your whole being. This is an active practice of non-judgmental curiosity and unconditional compassion and love for the Self. The process can be quite empowering.

🤍 A tarot/Oracle card reading

🤍 Channeling of support messages from your Spirit Team, Higher Self and/or a passed-on loved one, as I access the Akashic Records*. Your Spirit Team can consist of your spirit guides and ancestors. They are ultimately extensions of you and your High Self, and want to answer some questions that you have.

🤍 Often the Guides lead me to do an Energy Healing as well. This normally brings ease to emotional or physical pain as well as inner balance and harmony, as energetic blockages are cleared.


🤍 A FREE 30-minute virtual follow-up session with me on a later date, to assist in your personal integration of this work.

If at any time you choose to opt out of any of the above segments, that is perfectly fine. This is a time we are co-creating together and your comfort is of utmost importance.

3 hours. In-person or virtual.


*Akashic Records: taken from the ancient Sanskrit term Akasha, which means 'ether', the Akashic Records is a living library or repository of every universal event, thought, emotion and intent that has ever taken place at any time past, present or future. This includes endless banks of information, knowledge and memories of an entity or a soul's journeys, not limited to the current lifetime. Often it is accessed to gain insight around an individual's soul purpose, gifts from a past life, patterns in the current life, and/or ways to heal past trauma. Hindu Vedic scriptures call it the "Ocean of Consciousness", where such information is transmitted as energetic waves, as energy is not bound by time nor space.

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"The communication throughout the entire process was so fast and compassionate ... Leona's voice is very calm and warm, she's extremely welcoming and will do her utmost to make you comfortable and provide the safest energy surrounding you for your session ... not only did Leona make me feel so comfortable to be myself, let go and reach that state of complete trust to fully experience her gifts, but she also led by example. She's extremely intuitive, unafraid and confident in herself and she makes it extremely easy to feel at ease around her.
She truly does have a remarkable gift and was very patient and accommodating with me when I had a thousand questions about what having and using her gift is like for her. Leona was able to connect me to my spirit guides and converse with some spirits around me which in-turn filled me with love and humbled gratuity. ... I couldn't recommend her more but you must trust in her process and surrender to it first ...Trust, relax, receive."

Ely Jackson


Spirit's Journey (3 hrs)

In-person or Virtual

CAD $400
Payment plan options available.


* In-person will be in Downtown Vancouver. If you prefer me to come to your home instead, we can discuss that.

* If you are in a financially tight situation, I would love to  work out a rate that is more accessible for you. Feel free to reach out still.

Have any questions? I'd love to answer them! Feel free to e-mail me here or we can set up a 20-min Discovery Call!

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Leona Khong


An intuitive, a channeller and a yoga teacher, energy work and enlisting support from other realms have paved Leona's way for 7+ years now. Even as she commits to helping you recall your own power and limitless nature, her own healing and learning journey never truly ends - she believes we are all just walking one another home.

She helps you meet your shadows with gentle compassion - so that they can be integrated into your Core Essence - and also your spirit guides with an open heart.
In Leona's 1-on-1 sessions, through a mix of guided movement & voice, conscious witnessing & presencing of one's unique Core Essence, and connecting you with your spirit guides, she provides a space to heal limiting beliefs that hold us back from realizing our true powers as co-creators with the Universe. As our deep beliefs change, so does the way we breathe and  manifest our reality, into consciously living a life that is heart-centered and enrapturing. Above all, she helps you expand and radiate your innermost authentic self, which she sees as our greatest gift to the world. Clients have described her work as transformative, safe and accessible, and full of compassionate guidance.

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