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Want to learn your hidden power points that lead to greater abundance and your unique purpose?

Here is your chance to unveil these.

Anchor 1

Shadow Work Breakthrough: Unlocking Your Purpose & Abundance

CAD $60


We dive deep  into what energetic blocks are keeping you from realizing your desires and unique purpose.
Learn how You are uniquely and naturally meant to embrace abundance!

Delivered via recorded video and PDF report.

 Your shadows are a gateway to unveiling your greatest strengths. So here is your invitation to work with them, instead of against them.
Are you seeking to identify limiting beliefs and thought patterns that obstruct your path to a more fulfilling life?

Or do you find yourself striving towards your goals with sheer determination and hard work, yet experiencing burnout, anxiety, and uncertainty altogether?
Imagine moving confidently towards your purpose and dreams, equipped with clarity and deep, unwavering self-belief.
Perhaps you are wondering how to navigate towards greater abundance in all its forms, including wealth, relationships, emotional well-being, and more.
I approach each individual with empathy and curiosity, because I have had to do this same shadow work on myself without judgment. Your inner power is waiting to be realized and I help you facilitate this.
What to expect: 
💎 You will receive a questionnaire to fill out so I can gain insight into your situation and needs. Birth date information will also be requested to explore your unique lifetime blueprints.
💎 A remote chakra reading on your energy body to assess the health and balance of each chakra. Chakras are energy centers located throughout the body according to yogic science. When all the major chakras along the spine function healthily and openly, this naturally manifests externally into a life of alignment and fulfillment.
💎 A personalized Abundance Blueprint report, derived from a mix of your astrology natal birth chart, Gene Keys chart and Human Design chart. These charts will also be used to address concerns you highlight in your questionnaire, and are generated according to your birth time and town.
💎 You will receive a recorded video with my discoveries above answering your questions, along with genuine feedback, intuitive insights and practical tips on how to improve or heal your situation(s), and how to bring your major chakras into healthy balance.
Videos tend to be around 40 minutes long.


"WOW that was amazing!! The chakras are so accurate, you confirmed some things that I was already intuitively feeling. And I just have to let you know that I've spent thousands on astrology, human design, gene keys learning and guidance and I often left so much more confused. The way you broke it all down for me is incredible!! I am so excited to have a better understanding of some aspects and know some tweaks to make to help me better align with my goals.

Going to watch the video again so I can take notes and really digest the report because you shared so much incredible information. Thank you for this, will definitely be sharing your website with anyone I know can also benefit from this!!"

Lindsay Grace

Anchor 1

Your personalized video and report will be sent to you within 4 business days of submitting your completed questionnaire.

If you prefer to pay via Interac e-transfer or Paypal instead, please contact us directly.

No refunds unless video delivery within 4 business days from the time I receive your completed questionnaire, is unfulfilled or not fulfilled on time.

Leona Khong


An intuitive, a channeller and a yoga teacher, energy work and enlisting support from other realms have paved Leona's way for 7+ years now. Even as she commits to helping you recall your own power and limitless nature, her own healing and learning journey never truly ends - she believes we are all just walking one another home.
She helps you meet your shadows with gentle compassion - so that they can be integrated into your Core Essence - and also your spirit guides with an open heart.

In Leona's 1-on-1 sessions, through a mix of guided movement & voice, conscious witnessing & presencing of one's unique Core Essence, and connecting you with your spirit guides, she provides a space to heal limiting beliefs that hold us back from realizing our true powers as co-creators with the Universe. As our deep beliefs change, so does the way we breathe and  manifest our reality, into consciously living a life that is heart-centered and enrapturing. Above all, she helps you expand and radiate your innermost authentic self, which she sees as our greatest gift to the world. Clients have described her work as transformative, safe and accessible, and full of compassionate guidance.

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